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  1. We may collect the user personal information only if they willingly submit while visiting out website.
  2. The information submitted by the user will not be misapplied without the user consent.
  3. We protect your sensitive information when you submit anything on the website.
  4. We also may collect the other information like browser name and other technical information when the user visits our website.
  5. As the user’s privacy is especially important to us, the user information is maintained confidentially.
  6. The user’s information will not be shared with any third parties if the user is not willing to do.
  7. As Research Plateau Publishers publish the articles related to all journals under open access category, the articles are open for all the users. Feel free to download/print the articles.

Withdraw Policy

  1. The manuscript can be withdrawn before peer review process only.
  2. The under review/accepted/published paper cannot be withdrawn in any condition.

Refund/Cancellation Policy

  1. There are no refunds once the author(s) pay the Article Process Charges of their accepted/published article.

Plagiarism Policy

The word “Plagiarism” means using someone’s work without their concern/permission or not crediting the used source. In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else’s work and lying about it afterward. Plagiarism represents the violation of copyright law. Plagiarism appears in various forms:

    • Copying the exact content, figures, tables, equations from the other source.
    • Purposely using portions of another author’s paper.
    • Copying or purposely using sentences without citing the source.
    • Using exact text downloaded from the internet.
    • Copying or downloading figures, photographs, pictures, or diagrams without acknowledging your sources.

We do not tolerate plagiarism, manuscript or data manipulation. The submitted manuscripts are screened using the “Turnitin” software. Plagiarism is suspected when the percentage of similarity is higher than 30%. Clear plagiarism (use of large portions of copied text and/or data) results in rejection while minor copying of short phrases leads to a polite notification to the authors for re-writing. If plagiarism is detected during the review process by any means, all processes will be immediately withheld. The Editor will contact the corresponding author and/or all the authors for explanation. Rejection of submission will occur once the explanation is unsatisfactory or the authors admit guilt. After publication, the article will be retracted if plagiarism is proven. All the authors’ institutions will be contacted to explain the retraction and inform the expected future behaviors. The retraction will be officially announced as early as possible in the journal.